Birds in Art 49th Annual Exhibition at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum
Since 1976, the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum has organized Birds in Art annually, seeking to present the very best contemporary artistic interpretations of birds and related subject matter. Two- and three-dimensional artworks in all media other than crafts and photography are eligible. Artwork for the annual exhibition is selected each spring, and information is shared when finalized as the exhibition is prepared for the fall opening. Artwork from 107 artists from throughout the world is included in the 49th annual 2024 Birds in Art exhibition. This annual exhibition opens to the public on the first Saturday following Labor Day. The Birds in Art exhibition opening is part of Wausau’s Artrageous Weekend.
I am delighted to have my painting, Mallard Pair, included in this year’s exhibition.
Statement for Mallard Pair
This cropped portrait of a mallard pair centers the female duck whose gentle demeanor and understated plumage help her blend into the background. The drake, even without his almost cartoonish iridescent green head, cadmium orange webbed feet, and bright yellow bill, is easily recognizable by his tightly curled black tail, like the well-oiled moustache of a dandy. I am primarily a portraitist, but have always been an enthusiastic and opportunistic birder. When portrait subjects are scarce, as they were during the pandemic, I turn to the surprisingly abundant wildlife in my urban neighborhood. Each spring, without fail, a pair of mallards visit my backyard to dabble in the murky depths of my tiny goldfish pond and nibble at the birdseed under my feeder. While the male keeps ostentatious guard, I find myself drawn to the subtle beauty of the hen as she goes about her business.
Shannon Reynolds